Jasmine Road is a gorgeously built home, constructed with a single mother of two boys in mind. The backyard boasts gorgeous landscaping and beautiful gardening - a botanist would love to make this place their own!
2 bedrooms
2 bathrooms
Fit for a toddler + child
DOWNLOAD (updated 8/19)
What does the unfurnished shell include? It is considered "move in" ready, which means that it's intended to look exactly as it would if you'd just moved into it, in real life. The kitchen is set as pictured, minus the clutter. The bathrooms are set as pictured, also minus the clutter. Light switches, laundry machines, cabinets, closet shelving units are all included. You will need to flesh out the furnishings on your own with this option; feel free to use my pictures as a guideline, just don't reupload my builds. The exterior is identical to the pledge option.

I'm missing the sink in the bathroom, can someone help me
how do i get the windows and doors to work? i downloaded everything in that file
I love this house but I cant download it every time I try nothing happens
I love it! It looks really cozy! I needed it for my young couple.