I don't know if I've ever built my dream home, but this might be pretty damn close! This build took the entire month of March to build, but I genuinely enjoyed the process and the level of detail in this home shows that! I challenge any of you, to completely refurnish this house - as much as I love the design elements of it, I'm more in love with the layout and know that some of you can bring it to life in a re-imagined way!
3 bed x 4 baths
Tennis court → (not functional)
Fully functional outdoor living & dining
Multiple living rooms
2 large walk in closets
Detached garage
Note: this build uses some custom content that isn't included in the download file. They're linked separately on the post. Similarly, all paid content is linked unless otherwise discussed. If you have any WCIF questions, feel free to reach out.

(also, thanks for ruining the picture quality "host"..)
This is so gorgeous and if you don't mind me asking when will this be available for public i really want this build!!
bonjour, on ne peut pas acheter sur patreon
Can you please give us directions on how to download your content as your Patreon is sold out Thank you
This is gorgeous! Can you please give me directions on how to download your content as I am unable to on Patreon? Thank you